About Us
The complex journey to the here and now
Dream it.
It all began in ‘91 a girl became a cook. The past 11 years Tabitha Stroup has been at the helm of the National brand FRIEND IN CHEESES JAM CO. and realized unbeknownst to her she was just preparing for this new venture into the journey to food waste redemption.
Build it.
March 2019 Tabitha started reaching out to her farm partners in the Pajaro Valley and literally just asked if she could take their unsellable produce and create unique “sense of place” shelf stable products that the farmers in turn could legally sell to the public through CSA, Farmers Markets and local stores. And the rest is history…
Grow it.
Today we employ people from the Homeless Garden Project whom are in transition from life mis steps and create 100s of Terroir driven products that not only enrich our community but has created an avenue of retail profits for our beloved farmers… Lifting our community one jar at a time….
“My grandmother Emma May Stroup is my jamming inspiration. She taught me to eat local, to preserve fruits and vegetables when in season and to enjoy the simple things.”